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Week four since PPROM-ing- Nov. 15th, 2019

Renee Burns

Greetings from the Antepartum unit here in beautiful downtown Minneapolis!

It has officially been 4 weeks since my water broke, and exactly 25 days living at the Children's hospital. We completed an extended growth ultrasound this week (happens every 3 weeks) and we learned that the babies are growing! They are both just over a pound at this point, so have some serious growing to do over the next two months. They are in the 3rd percentile compared to others in the same gestational phase- so 97% of babies are bigger than them at this stage, however the fact that they got bigger since our last growth ultra is a positive sign. The doc's will continue to do weekly ultra sounds to look at the placentas and cords to make sure they're continuing to get the nutrients they need.

Due to my continued stable vitals, Zach and I felt comfortable saying good-bye to each other for a couple of days, and Zach was able to spend some time in Duluth taking care of the house, playing hockey, and checking on the cabin (all good things for his mental health!). I have been sticking to my daily routine of PT, mindfulness practices, reading, journaling, and watching the flock of turkeys across the river with my binoculars from my room. I do acupuncture weekly, and have started to re-engage with work.

We have continued to feel the support of our community from near and far. We have had numerous visitors, meals made/delivered/and purchased for us, as well as cards and gifts sent. For all the difficult moments of living in a hospital, they are overshadowed by the love and well wishes we are receiving.

Non-the-less, we are aware of the ups and downs, and work to take each day in stride. There is definitely a grieving process that Zach and I ebb and flow between, as this is not how either of us pictured spending our pregnancy together. When I talk about mindfulness, and having a higher awareness of self with my clients, I often talk about the importance of embracing the "not OK" moments. For me, being mindful or spiritual, "connected" or aware, does not mean being "OK", or positive all the time. We are allowing ourselves to sit in the "not OK" moments, acknowledge them, and learn from them. Just as the babies are growing inside of me, Zach and I are growing in our capacity to support each other, be present, and find gratitude in the little moments.

I hope that this week everyone is able to find the little moments of gratitude, as well as allow themselves to acknowledge the "not OK" moments, and sit with them.

We look forward to celebrating another week next Friday, and continue to be grateful for each day that the babies are still cooking :-)

With much, MUCH love and gratitude-

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